No "Natural" or "Artificial" flavors. no refined sugars. always bottled in glass. reverse-osmosis filtered.

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Why no "natural flavors"

Lack of specificity: The term "natural flavors" is quite broad, and doesn't provide detailed information about the actual ingredients used. It can encompass a wide range of substances other than the flavor extract itself such as; solvents preservatives, and other chemical additives specifically created to have you coming back for more. The lack of specificity makes it difficult for consumers to know exactly what they are consuming.

Synthetic additives: Surprisingly, the term "natural flavors" can also include certain synthetic or chemically modified substances. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines natural flavors as those derived from plant or animal sources, but it allows certain synthetic additives to be labeled as natural if they are chemically similar to their natural counterparts. This can be misleading for consumers who assume that "natural flavors" strictly refers to ingredients derived directly from nature.

Allergenic substances: "Natural flavors" can contain allergenic substances that may cause adverse reactions in sensitive individuals. Unfortunately, the generic term "natural flavors" does not specify whether any allergens are present, making it challenging for people with rare allergies to identify potentially harmful ingredients.

No Obligation to Disclose: Companies who use "natural flavors" as an ingredient in their products have no obligation to disclose where they're sourcing from or what additives are used. Here at SPARKY we value transparency and believe customers should be informed about manufacturing practices every step of the way.

Why reverse osmosis filtration?

Reverse osmosis water filtration offers a range of benefits that contribute to cleaner, purer drinking water. One significant advantage is its ability to effectively remove impurities and contaminants from the water, including bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, pesticides, and especially fluoride, and chlorine. It’s even been shown to be the best filtration method at removing PFAS, also known as ‘forever chemicals’. Reverse osmosis filtration also helps improve the overall quality and taste of water, making it a popular choice for those seeking a healthier and more refreshing drinking experience. Additionally, this filtration method is typically more efficient compared to other techniques, resulting in less water waste. By providing clean, purified water, reverse osmosis filtration contributes to improved hydration, promotes better overall health, and provides peace of mind knowing that the water you consume is of the highest quality.

Why glass?

Purity: Glass is an inert material that does not leach chemicals or flavors into the water. It helps preserve the natural taste and integrity of the water, ensuring a purer drinking experience.

Safety: Glass is considered a safe and non-toxic packaging option. It does not contain harmful substances like BPA (bisphenol A) or phthalates, which can be found in certain plastic containers. Glass provides a reliable barrier that keeps water free from potential contaminants. Even aluminum cans are lined with plastic to prevent a corrosive chemical reaction with the carbonation and the aluminum itself.

Sustainability: Glass is infinitely recyclable and can be reused multiple times without any loss of quality. This makes it an eco-friendly choice compared to single-use plastic bottles or aluminum cans lined with plastic. Using glass bottles helps reduce the environmental impact associated with plastic waste.

Retains Freshness: Glass provides an excellent barrier against oxygen and moisture, which helps maintain the freshness and quality of the water for a longer period. It prevents the exchange of gases, keeping the water crisp and refreshing. Not to mention, we use amber glass bottles which block UV and blue light. So, for our Cream Soda you can be rest assured that none of the nutrients in the maple syrup are lost or denatured!

Why raw maple?

Benefits of Raw Maple Syrup:

Nutritional Content: Raw maple syrup contains essential minerals like manganese, zinc, and calcium, along with antioxidants. While it should be consumed in moderation, it offers some trace nutrients compared to refined sugars that provide empty calories.

Lower Glycemic Index: Maple syrup has a lower glycemic index compared to refined sugars. This means it causes a slower and more gradual rise in blood sugar levels, preventing sharp spikes and crashes.

Natural Sweetness: Maple syrup is derived from the sap of maple trees and does not undergo extensive processing. It provides a natural and distinct sweet flavor, without the need for additional artificial sweeteners.

Potential Antioxidant Benefits: Maple syrup contains compounds like phenolic compounds and flavonoids, which act as antioxidants and may have anti-inflammatory properties.

Drawbacks of Refined Sugars:

Empty Calories: Refined sugars offer little to no nutritional value. They are often referred to as "empty calories" because they provide energy without any accompanying vitamins, minerals, or other beneficial nutrients.

Rapid Blood Sugar Spikes: Refined sugars are quickly absorbed by the body, causing a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. This can lead to energy crashes, mood swings, and contribute to the risk of developing chronic conditions like obesity and diabetes.

Lack of Fiber: Refined sugars are usually stripped of their natural fiber content during processing. Fiber helps slow down the digestion and absorption of sugar, which is lacking in refined sugars, leading to quicker blood sugar spikes.

Increased Risk of Health Issues: Consuming excessive amounts of refined sugars has been linked to various health problems, including weight gain, tooth decay, cardiovascular diseases, and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.